Monday, August 5, 2013

I Should Learn to Keep My Mouth Shut...

Lol, so I'll start this off by saying sorry that I haven't posted, it's been kind of a long summer for me. I meant to post more but... well I've had tons of medical issues, as well as tons of family, economic, girl, social issues etc. etc. However I don't think I exactly have a regular fan base of readers yet so it's ok :). Anyway I posted a Facebook status the other night, that was probably stupid haha, I was just pissed at this girl and I think I said something along the lines of "women are depreciating assets". HOWEVER! What I was really saying is that girls can't expect to get with douchebag jock, bro tool, asswipes (like myself) and then expect men who've become successful (who were probably nerds in high school and college) to want to marry them? Why should they have to settle, makes no sense, and while I'll be successful; there's no bloody way I'm getting with some tramp and marrying her, making babies with her after she's got a counter of like 200 jock d-bags on her arse. I mean cmon, what do i look like a schmuck?

I went to a party on Friday night at Sigma Alpha Epsilon, it was an excellent party! I had a lot of fun, met some great people. I walked in with four girls to make myself look better to the frat guys (especially since I'm thinking of rushing their house next year). However what these girls did rather interested me, they made little plans, and made sure they winged each other for the guys they wanted. All the guys they picked were "generically attractive' so I said to myself "man if girls don't want to put in the effort for me, why on earth would I give them the time of day as I gain power?" So I did what I usually do, popped numbers, drank a bit, and then met my new late night booty call after I dropped my sister off (she didn't suspect a thing!).

My butt still hurts quite a bit, and it's still bleeeeeeding mate! Also my ostomy bags aren't really attaching properly on one side :/, I'm not entirely sure what to do about that. I hope I'm still going to be ok, but hey if it falls off at the gym or something I'll def let y'all know! Also my stealth belt isn't doing all that great, bloody thing won't attach on one side of the flange. They really don't stand up to wear and tear all that great, although I do live kind of a crazy life style.

Anyway, back to studying for my real estate exam, it comes up on Friday after my small claims case against a stupid asshole who owes me money, I'm very excited! I love going to court, It's kind of a wonderful experience. Also my business partner just showed a 875,000 house and he just started. I'm going to make so much money :), and all of it will go into my idea of cybernetically engineering the digestive system. Someday may we be free of these damnable bags my brothers!

Just remember guys out there, if you've had your heart broken, it probably means you gave the girl too much power over you. You should never, EVER, give them power over you. If that sounds sexist? Fuck em, I don't hate women, lord knows I love girls, but I won't let them control me. Pride of the Elite my friends.